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Tihanyi László: Frieze - for viola and ensemble (2015)


Op. 70
Arreglo: Chamber Music for Mixed Ensemble
Instrumentación: Vla sola, Fl, Ob, Cl in Sib, Clb in Sib, Cor in Fa, Trb, Pf, Perc (one player)
Serie: EMB Contemporary Music
Época: Música Contemporánea
Duración: ca. 12'
Páginas: 48 páginas
Formato: 24,3 x 33,6 cm (B/4)
Año de publicación: De junio de 2016
Editorial: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Nº de artículo: 14998
Nº de editorial: T-34
ISMN: 9790080149980
The title of the work refers to the ornament-like musical motifs of the solo part. These open the piece and later, during the elaboration of the form, they provide for building blocks. The composition, lasting approximately 12 minutes, includes 13 small formal sections. The first three of them serve as an introduction; the presentation of the solo viola, accompanied by percussion istruments, is broken by the interjection of the winds and the piano. The strings appear in Section 4, the first pure Tutti for the first time: the solo instrument is silent here. This is followed by two longer joint sections of the solo and the ensemble; in these a classical, responding-contrapuntal relationship comes to effect between soloist and ensemble players. Section 7 is the first cadenza of the viola, answered by the ensemble alone in Section 8. The next section is a sort of an "accompanied Toccata", featuring the rapid figurations of the solo instrument. Sections 10 and 12 are further viola cadenzas, with a Tutti between them, "accompanied" by the viola. In the concluding section musical ideas with farewell or coda-like character, played by the full ensemble, prevail.(László Tihanyi)

The piece was premiered by Péter Bársony and the THReNSeMBLe (conducted by the composer) on 3rd May 2016 in Budapest

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