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Liszt Ferenc: Quatre valses oubliées

Edited by Mező Imre – Sulyok Imre
Setting: Piano
Series: Separate editions from the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition
Period: Romantic
Length: 40 pages
Format: 23 x 30 cm
Weight: 0.174 kg
Published: 1992
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Item number: 13950
ISMN: 9790080139509
The forgotten waltzes are Liszt's late masterpieces of singular beauty which were received with incomprehension by most of his contemporaries. All were written between 1881-81, along with works like Nuages gris (Gray clouds), La lugubre gondola (Funeral gondola), Unstern (Unlucky star) or the Csardas macabre. Although they do not belong to Liszt's so called death-poetry or funeral music, there is a certain hidden sadness, an athmosphere of resignation around them.


Premiere valse oubliée
Deuxieme valse oubliée
Troisieme valse oubliée
Quatrieme valse oubliée

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