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Caldara, Antonio: Sonata per violoncello e basso continuo

Edited by Mező László – Orbán György
Setting: Violoncello and Piano
Period: Baroque
Length: 12 pages
Format: 23,5 x 31 cm (K/4)
Weight: 0.068 kg
Published: August 1, 1981
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Item number: 12043
ISMN: 9790080120439
The two manuscripts in oblong size (by the same hand) entitled "Sinfonia a Violoncello Solo" which served as the basis for the present edition are being kept in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna under shelf mark E.M.29. Apart from the continuo realization and modifications in the sense of present-day notation carried out tacitly all other changes are listed in the footnotes, editorial additions have been put in square brackets. The bass part was supported in contemporary practice by a melody instrument. If performing with piano accompaniment, the supporting of the bass is not necessary. In case of harpsichord accompaniment, however, it is recommended to play the bass on bassoon instead of violoncello.

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