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Beethoven, Ludwig van: Klaviersonaten

(Band 1-2-3)

Herausgegeben von Solymos Péter
Besetzung: Klavier
Reihe: EMB Urtext
Periode: Klassik
Sprache: ungarisch, englisch, deutsch
Anzahl der Seiten: 640 Seiten
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Erscheinungsjahr: 1. November 2012
Verlag: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Artikelnummer: 8822PACK
Verlagsnummer: 8822, 8823, 8824
Package offer for 8822, 8823, 8824.

The pianist Péter Solymos's work encompassed teaching and performing, in addition to which he also spent considerable time preparing editions. An urtext edition of Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas in three volumes, revised by him, was published at the beginning of the 1980s. In studying the great composer's manuscripts, Solymos came to the realization that Beethoven's ''representation of the music serves to help us understand the work; the form of the visual appearance is at one with the content. (...) In this edition I was also guided by respect for the original notation.'' Drawing on this principle, Solymos retained among other things the stemming of the notes, the beaming of groups of notes, and his edition also tries to follow the composer's fair copy in the layout of the music between the staves. His work serves to underpin an authentic performance.

Serie EMB Urtext
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Kammermusik für Streicher und Klavier
Flöte und Klavier
Flöte und Klavier
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Blockflöte und Klavier
Violoncello und Klavier

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