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Kodály Zoltán: A magyar népzene

Herausgegeben von Vargyas Lajos
Besetzung: Musiktheorie
Gattung: Folkmusik
Sprache: ungarisch
Anzahl der Seiten: 336 Seiten
Format: 17 x 24 cm (B/5)
Gewicht: 0.553 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 1951
Verlag: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Artikelnummer: 308
ISMN: 9789633307779
Kodály summarized the significance of folk music in the preface to the first edition of this publication:

''It is such an integral part of the life of a healthy nation that we find it everywhere: it is present in art, in public education, in the manifestations of social life. It is always a sign of the stagnation of national life when folk music is pushed into the background in some way.”

One of the most important guidelines for learning about Hungarian folk music today is Kodály's summarical study. In a short summary, it explores the most important features, problems and origins of Hungarian folk music. It describes different genres, types, and occasions for folk songs and folk dance music while also addressing the matter of collecting folk music. The overall usefulness of the study was greatly enhanced by the example library compiled by Lajos Vargyas and first printed within the 1960 edition.

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