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Liszt Ferenc: Freie Bearbeitungen und technische Übungen

Franz Liszt, Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, Supplementband 16

complete edition

In Zusammenarbeit mit Dufetel, Nicolas
Herausgegeben von Kaczmarczyk Adrienne – Sas Ágnes
Besetzung: Klavier
Reihe: Neue Liszt-Ausgabe
Gattung: Gesamtausgabe
Periode: Romantik
Sprache: ungarisch, englisch, deutsch
Anzahl der Seiten: 240 Seiten
Format: 23 x 30 cm
Gewicht: 0.868 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 1. Mai 2021
Verlag: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Artikelnummer: 20004A
ISMN: 9790080305362
Supplementary Volume 16 of the New Liszt Edition contains free arrangements and technical exercises. In the first section can be found early versions of three arrangements. The first consists of the first and intermediary versions of a transcription of Die Rose, a song Schubert composed to a poem by Schlegel. The arrangement of the second movement of Berlioz's Harold Symphony also draws on literary inspiration: Lord Byron's (1788-1824) narrative poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-18) was a literary experience Liszt shared with Berlioz. The fantasy on themes from Bellini's opera La sonnambula [The Sleepwalker] (here the first version of 1842, and the second version dating from the following decade are given) is important in music history because it was while he worked on this (and other operatic fantasies) that Liszt developed a new concept of the form, which took shape in more complex and more concentrated fantasies than before.

Particularly interesting material can be found in the appendix. In addition to sketches and drafts for arrangements of Spanish themes, there are three sources published here for the first time, which shed light on technical aspects of Liszt's piano teaching. These are three sets of exercises: the first written by Liszt himself for Valérie Boissier in 1832; the second a copy in an unidentified hand from the same period or slightly later; and finally the third which was noted down in 1871 by Henri Maréchal in Rome based on the composer's dictation.

This latest volume of the New Liszt Edition includes a detailed preface in German, English, and Hungarian containing new research findings, together with five manuscript facsimiles and critical notes. Simultaneously with the cloth-bound Complete Edition, a practical paperback version has been published, the contents of which are identical to those of the hardcover edition, minus the inclusion of critical notes.


La rose - Poésie de Friedrich Schlegel, musique de Franz Schubert, arrangée pour le piano-forte, 1. Fassung und Zwischenfassung
R 241, SW 556, SH 556i, NG2 A17
Marche des pelerins de la symphonie Harold en Italie de Hector Berlioz, transcrite pour piano seul - 1. Fassung
R 139, SW 473, SH 473i, NG2 A29
Fantaisie sur des motifs favoris de l'opéra La sonnambula de Vincenzo Bellini - 1. und 2. Fassungen
R 132, SW 393, SH 393i-ii, NG2 A56
Fantaisie sur des motifs favoris de l'opéra La sonnambula de Vincenzo Bellini - Albumblatt
Anhang - Klavierstück über spanische Themen , Fragment
R -, SW 738, SH 695c, NG2 Q11a
Anhang - Skizzen und Entwürfe zu einer Bearbeitung spanischer Themen
R -, SW/SH -, NG2 Q11b
Anhang - Apparitions, no. 1, Albumblatt
R 11, SW/SH 155, NG2 A19
Anhang - Technische Übungen für Valérie Boissier (1832)
R -, SW/SH -, NG2 -
Anhang - Technische Übungen Liszt zugeschrieben (1830er Jahre)
R -, SW/SH -, NG2 -
Anhang - Exercices pour le piano / Schule des Virtuosenspiels - aufgezeichnet von Henri Maréchal (1871)
R -, SW/SH -, NG2 -

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