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Kodály Zoltán: János köszöntő

für gemischten Knabenchor


Text von Arany János
Besetzung: Mixed voices (boys SAB)
Gattung: Chorwerke
Sprache: ungarisch
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2
Dauer: 1 min.
Anzahl der Seiten: 4 Seiten
Format: 19 x27 cm (octavo)
Gewicht: 0.004 kg
Erscheinungsjahr: 1. Juli 1981
Verlag: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Artikelnummer: 12221
Verlagsnummer: 6725
ISMN: 9790080122211
Zoltán Kodály’s complete choral works for mixed voices were published in a new, extended, edition in 2018 (Z. 6725 and Z. 6725A). This volume containing 51 compositions has been edited by the renowned conductor Péter Erdei, one of the most devoted interpreters of Kodály’s choral works. The new edition takes into consideration the manuscript sources for the compositions housed in the Kodály Archives in Budapest. The publication features new, easily-legible music scores edited on uniform principles. For better readability, the new edition is printed in a slightly larger format than previous editions.

The present publication is an offprint from the renewed edition of Kodály’s complete choral works for mixed voices. It has the same format as the volume, and has been printed on excellent-quality pale-yellow paper.

Sound samples are used by the permission of Hungaroton Records, BMCBBCC and the composers.
Offprints from the new Kodály: Mixed Voices Collection
These separate editions are all featured within the revised 2019 collection of Kodály: Choral Works for Mixed Voices.
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela
Mixed voices (boys SAB)
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela
Gem. Chor a cappela

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