Edited by Dalmonte, Rossana (17 个)
Schubert: Die Zauberharfe II/4 (BA5512) Schubert: Die Zauberharfe. Overture (BA5644) Orchestra Schubert: Die Zauberharfe. Overture (BA5644-65) Schubert: Die Zauberharfe. Overture (BA5644-74) Vl.1 part Schubert: Die Zauberharfe. Overture (BA5644-75) Vl.2 part Schubert: Die Zauberharfe. Overture (BA5644-79) Viola part Schubert: Die Zauberharfe. Overture (BA5644-82) Bassi (Vlc./Cb.) part Schubert: Masses I/2 (BA5518) Schubert: Missa (BA5621) Voice, choir and orchestraVoice, choir and orchestra Schubert: Missa (BA5621-65) Schubert: Missa (BA5621-67) Organ Schubert: Missa (BA5621-74) Vl.1 part Schubert: Missa (BA5621-75) Vl.2 part Schubert: Missa (BA5621-79) Viola part Schubert: Missa (BA5621-82) Bassi (Vlc./Cb.) part Schubert: Missa (BA5621-90) Vocal Schubert: Missa (BA5621-91) Mixed Voices