Edited by Goebels, Franzpeter (12 položky)
Busoni: The New Busoni - Exercises and Studies for the Piano (EB6948) Klavír Busoni: The New Busoni - Exercises and Studies for the Piano (EB6949) Klavír Haydn: Small Concerto (SM1325) Haydn: Small Concerto (SM1325-23) Haydn: Small Concerto (SM1325-74) Vl.1 part Haydn: Small Concerto (SM1325-75) Vl.2 part Haydn: Small Concerto (SM1325-79) Viola part Haydn: Small Concerto (SM1325-82) Bassi (Vlc./Cb.) part Hirzel-Langenhan: Greifen und Begreifen (BA3807) Klavír Lachert: Etudes intelligentes (BA6210) Klavír Schumann: Romantic Piano Music (BA6550) Klavír Schumann: Romantic Piano Music (BA6556) Klavír