This brand-new series is intended as a guide to the keyboard music of the 16th to 19th centuries for pupils of the piano and the harpsichord, as well as of other early keyboard instruments.

Each volume contains pieces by well-known and lesser-known composers from one country or region.

The main purpose of the series is to extend the repertoire and stylistic knowledge of both pianists and harpsichordists while also presenting fine pieces and typical genres based on original sources.

Our edition retains the performance indications of the composers' manuscripts and contemporary editions.

Embrace music

March 24, 2015

Embrace Music — That is the motto we have adopted this year. In other words, we want to help you to make music an integral part of your life.

Music is all around us these days; it stimulates us more intensely and prevalently than ever before. But do we relate to it passively or actively? Are we merely consumers or makers of music as well?

We at EMB know that making music brings joy. That joy is multiplied and shared by playing to others. What’s more, making music develops individual values, such as concentration, openness, sensitivity, collaboration, and concern for others.

Our aim is to allow as many people of all ages to experience the wonder and value of music.

For decades, and today even more so, EMB’s scores have been appearing in every country of the world where music education is recognised as a factor of culturally-forming consciousness, where it is acknowledged that music plays an important role in the personality development of young people. 

Our mission is simply to help as many young people as possible to become music lovers by playing an instrument or singing.

The main activity of our music publishing house involves music education, namely the creation and distribution of publications which provide teachers and students, from beginner’s to university level, with methods and concert pieces selected from every period of music history, including contemporary music.

ABRSM Syllabus Titles 2020-2023
The ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) is an important examinations board in the United Kingdom which provides examinations in music at centres around the world.
Violin and Piano
Violoncello and Piano
Violoncello and Piano
Violoncello and Piano
Violoncello and Piano
Violoncello and Piano
Violoncello and Piano